Tuesday, 21 February 2012

EVALUATION:Music Video Effects

Pips: This effect was used to spilt the screen into 4 individual frames. We incorporated this into our  music video to add something different and make the song appear more interesting. It was also a way of showing multiple clips in the same shot. The pictures below outline this.

Fade out/in: These effects were used several times throughout our music video particularly at the end and the beginning. Fade white was used at the beginning of the music video to show Katy Perry was remising about the night before. Whereas the fade to black was used at the end to highlight the video had come to an end.

 Speed: In terms of the speed of our music video we used several tools to alter it. Including slow motion, reversing the speed and speeding it up. We featured these effects in different aspects of the music video to emphasise particular scenes and shots. For example, towards the end of the music video we reversed a number of the clips used earlier on. This was done to give some sense of a build up towards the final shots which showed the final ending to the story.

Change Colour: To compliment the theme of the video we changed the colour of some of the clips to make them look more colourful and added a solarize effect. As a group we felt this would fit well with the image of Katy Perry and overall portrayal of her and the music video. The screen shots below show various examples of it being used.

 To alter the colour and apply the 'solarized' effect, this was done using the 'effects control' box. It allows you to choose the colour you want and adjust the settings of the effects. i.e the saturation, lightness etc.
Samantha Eneli

Thursday, 16 February 2012

EVALUATION -How does your project challenge real media texts?

One way in which our media project challenges real media text is through our narrative. As it is based on a girl reminising about kissing another girl. In the industry today it is still seen as a sensitive subject, that is not seen in many music video, as it is contraversial. However this does link to sexual objectification which is found in most music video, therfore showing our music video is similar to other media texts.

Another way in which our project challenges real Media texts is thorugh our green screen. Green screen is not really used in all music video, therefore making our music video stand out.

EVALUATION- What we have learned from audience feedback? - Lauren Wright

PODCAST Which aspects of the music video were most successful in attracting the target audience? & What aspects of the music video need work or should to attract your audience? 

What are your expectations of your target audience?

I believe that the target audience find the video interesting as we have created the video on the basis of the results of our research about music videos with our target audience. I think they will enjoy the video as it follows a strong narrative which according to our results is what entices the audience. Similarly, we incorporated a party scene within the video as we found that ritual celebration was a popular motif amongst the target audience, therefore we felt this would be a popular part of the video which will attract the audience. It was also noticeable that a significant amount of people that we asked as part of our research, preferred to watch controversial music videos as it makes them more interesting and increases the likelihood of them watching the entire video. In light of this, we included some controversial aspects into the film such as when the artist licking the icing of the cupcake and when she almost kisses a girl, in order to attract the target audience.

What aspects of target audience research do you find most challenging?

It is difficult to carry out research on music videos on a specific target audience as although they are all similar in some way such as age or gender, it is highly likely that the majority of them will have different tastes in music. Consequently, different music genres have different types of music videos and therefore, it is difficult to create a music video which will appeal to the entirety of our target audience. To overcome this, we chose to go with majority's opinion when incorporating our results into our final product.

What methods do you find most successful in attracting your target audience?

It was noticeable from viewing our test audience video and interview people that had watched our music video that the four-screen technique we incorporated with the artist singing attracted the audience. They liked the fact that it was different and stood out from anything else they had seen in other previous music videos.

Also, it was evident that the party aspect of the video was popular amongst the target audience. We predicted this would be the case after conducting research prior to creating the video and finding that ritual celebration was a popular motif for music videos.

EVALUATION -How our media project is similar to other media text.

In this clip you will see that I have taken various clips from our Music video which I have then compared to a clip taken from Katy Perry's Last Friday Night. The reason why I have picked both these clips is because thay have many similarities. One being they both protray the common motif 'Ritual Celebration'. This is found in mainly all music videos but it is clear, that in both videos they are having a good time and they want to be there.. Another similarity is that they both potray teen cultue with the drinking and dancing which will appeal to our audience, as this is what they want to see.
By Alexandra Eneli

EVALUATION - PREZI - Which piece of coursework did your audience favour the most? & What have you learned about your target audience? - Lauren Wright

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

EVALUATION -Test audience Interviews

It was important to question the target audience after previewing the video because we wanted constructive feedback and to make sure we met the audiences needs. Also the types of questions we asked were important, because we had to make sure they were not too complex for the audience and that the answers they gave would actually be useful, if we were to improve on the music video.

By Alexandra Eneli

EVALUATION- Music Video review

From watching her review, we found that we needed to improve on our lighting, which I'm sure she was talking about the bit where were in the bedroom near to the end. As I realised that it looks quite dark compared to all the other scense. Although, apart from that she gave a positive review for everything else, one them being the way in which we presented the narrative. By giving us a positive review, it gives us confidence in making future music videos and lets us know we met our target audience needs.

By Alexandra Eneli

EVALUATION -Test Audience


Here we have the test audience viewing the Video. The importance of having them watch is to see if we get the reactions we wanted first hand and to see if the audience were happy with it.

By Alexandra Eneli

EVALUATION-Survey Monkey Facebook Post- Lauren

EVALUATION -Survey Monkey Facebook Post -Alex

Here I print screened proof that all group members have posted the survey on to our facebook pages. The good thing about using facebook to post the survey is that it can be viewed by our target audience and a large variety of people, as millions of people go on facebook.

By Alexandra Eneli

EVALUATION- Survey monkey Facebok post- Samantha

EVALUATION -Survey Monkey Test Audience Questionnaire

Here is a screenshot of the 6 questions of our questionnaire that I created on Survey Monkey. The reason behind the questionnaire is to get as much feedback as possible, so that we know ways in which we could improve our Music Video. Also to ensure it meets the target audience needs and covered all possible aspects of a Music Video.
By Alexandra Eneli

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Friday, 3 February 2012

CONSTRUCTION -Music Video Youtube Post

The usefullness of using Youtube to post of our video is that it reaches the target audience as Youtube is global. Million s of people use it. Also it is a cheap way of advertising because we dont have to pay  to post our videp on Youtube.

Katy Perry 'I kissed a Girl Music Video

By Alexandra Eneli

Thursday, 2 February 2012

CONSTRUCTION: Fifth day of editing.

This was our last editing day which involved me putting on the rest of the effects in the music video. I used a colour change and solarize tool to alter the picture of some of the clips. This was just to add a quirky edge to the video  and was something I felt went well with the overall theme. Both effects were used throughout the video in various different clips. Towards the end of the music video I edited some of the clips so they ran in the reverse order. This was done to highlight the fact that the music video was coming to an end; a way of showing a quick summary of the night before. The process was long and took a whole lesson to do and more. Nevertheless I was happy with the finished product.